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HomeXBIOSCT60 XBIOS extensionPrinter functions

4.9 Date, Time and Timer

Gettime Gets the date and time.
NVMaccess Configures the NVM of the real-time clock.
Settime Sets the date and time.
Xbtimer Initializes the system timer.

4.9.1 Gettime

Name: »get time« - Get the time and date.
Opcode: 23
Syntax: uint32_t Gettime( void );
Description: The XBIOS routine Gettime obtains the date and time from the computer's hardware clock.
Return value: The function returns the date and time, which are coded as follows:

Bit Description
0-4 Seconds in units of 2 (0-29)
5-10 Minutes (0-59)
11-15 Hours (0-23)
16-20 Day of month (1-31)
21-24 Month (1-12)
25-31 Year (0-119, 0 represents 1980)
Availability: All TOS versions.
Group: Date, Time and Timer
See also: Binding   Settime Bindings for Gettime

C: #include

uint32_t Gettime( void );
move.w    #23,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14          ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #2,sp        ; Correct stack

4.9.2 NVMaccess

Name: »NVMacess« - Configure the "Non-Volatile Memory" of the real-time clock.
Opcode: 46
Syntax: int16_t NVMaccess( int16_t op, int16_t start, int16_t count, int8_t *buffer );
Description: The XBIOS routine NVMaccess permits the configuration of the NVM of the real-time clock. This has available 50 bytes of non-volatile RAM, where the last two bytes are used as a checksum. The following apply:

Parameter Meaning
op 0 = Read out NVM and check the checksum.
  1 = Write to NVM, check the checksum
      and reset it
  2 = Initialize NVM and set checksum
start Start-byte.
count Number of bytes to transfer.
buffer Buffer from or to which to write.
Return value: The function returns the value 0 if no error has occurred. A value of -5 means that the arguments were not within the permitted region. A return value of -12 identifies an inconsistent checksum.
Availability: Atari TT (TOS 3.xx) and Falcon (TOS 4.xx)
Group: Date, Time and Timer
See also: Binding   Assignment of the NVM Bindings for NVMaccess

C: #include

int16_t NVMaccess( int16_t op, int16_t start, int16_t count, int8_t *buffer );
pea       buffer       ; Offset 8
move.w    count,-(sp)  ; Offset 6
move.w    start,-(sp)  ; Offset 4
move.w    op,-(sp)     ; Offset 2
move.w    #46,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14          ; Call XBIOS
lea       $C(sp),sp    ; Correct stack

4.9.3 Settime

Name: »set time« - Set the time and date.
Opcode: 22
Syntax: void Settime( uint32_t time );
Description: The XBIOS routine Settime sets the date and time. The 32-bit parameter time is split up as follows:

time Meaning
0-4 Seconds in units of 2 (0-29)
5-10 Hours (0-23)
11-15 Hours (0-23)
16-20 Day of month (1-31)
21-24 Monat (1-12)
25-31 Year (subtract 1980)
Return value: The function does not return a result.
Availability: All TOS versions.
Gruppe: Date, Time and Timer
See Also: Binding   Gettime Bindings for Settime

C: #include

void Settime( uint32_t time );
move.l    time,-(sp)   ; Offset 2
move.w    #22,-(sp)    ; Offset 0
trap      #14          ; Call XBIOS
addq.l    #6,sp        ; Correct stack

4.9.4 Xbtimer

Name: »timer init« - Initialize the timer in the MFP chip.
Opcode: 31
Syntax: void Xbtimer( int16_t timer, int16_t control, int16_t data, void(*vector)( ) );
Description: The XBIOS routine Xbtimer initializes one of the four timers (A-D) in the 68901 multi-function peripheral chip. The following apply:

Parameter Meaning
timer Number of the timer:
  0 = A (usable for own programs)
  1 = B (Horizontal blank interrupt)
  2 = C (System timer (200 Hz))
  3 = D (Generator for the Baud rates)
control Value for corresponding timer register
data Value for corresponding timer register
vector Pointer to interrupt routine
Return value: The function does not return a result.
Availability: All TOS versions.
Group: Date, Time and Timer
See also: Binding Bindings for Xbtimer

C: #include

void Xbtimer( int16_t timer, int16_t control, int16_t data, void(*vector)( ) );
pea       vector        ; Offset 8
move.w    data,-(sp)    ; Offset 6
move.w    control,-(sp) ; Offset 4
move.w    timer,-(sp)   ; Offset 2
move.w    #31,-(sp)     ; Offset 0
trap      #14           ; Call XBIOS
lea       $C(sp),sp     ; Correct stack

4.9.5 Assignment of the real-time clock's NVM

The real-time clock in the Atari TT030 and Falcon030 has available 50 bytes of non-volatile memory that can be used by programs for configuration purposes. The following assignments apply:

typedef struct
  unsigned int bootpref;
  char reserved[4];
  unsigned char language;
  unsigned char keyboard;
  unsigned char datetime;
  char separator;
  unsigned char bootdelay;
  char reserved2[3];
  unsigned int vmode;
  unsigned char scsi;
} NVM;
bootpref Boot preference:
0x00 = No preference
0x08 = MagiC
0x10 = Linux
0x20 = NetBSD
0x40 = UNIX will be booted
0x80 = TOS will be booted
language Language:
0 = English
1 = German
2 = French
3 = Reserved
4 = Spanish
5 = Italian
keyboard Keyboard layout:
0 = USA
1 = German
2 = French
3 = British
4 = Spanish
5 = Italian
6 = Swedish
7 = (French) Swiss
8 = (German) Swiss
datetime Formatting of the date:
Bit 0..3 0 = Format "MM-DD-YY" (Month, Day, Year)
1 = Format "DD-MM-YY" (Day, Month, Year)
2 = Format "YY-MM-DD" (Year, Month, Day)
3 = Format "YY-DD-MM" (Year, Day, Month)
Bit 4..7 0 = 12-hour clock display
1 = 24-hour clock display
separator ASCII-value of the character that is to act as the separator for the date.
bootdelay Boot delay
vmode Video mode
Bit 0..2 SCSI-ID (0-7)
Bit 3..6 0, reserved
Bit 7 Flag for bus-arbitration.
The following apply:
0 = Arbitration on
1 = Arbitration off

All further bytes are not documented at present. As one can see, it is possible, in particular, to specify the SCSI ID of a TT030 or Falcon030 via the NVM.

In a Milan the NVM has a size of 224 bytes.

The following structure applies only for TOS 4.08 (2003-03-09) and Bootblock 1.02!

typedef struct
  unsigned int bootpref;
  char reserved[4];
  unsigned char language;
  unsigned char keyboard;
  unsigned char datetime;
  char separator;
  unsigned char bootdelay;
  unsigned char ide_drives;
  unsigned char scsi_drives;
  char reserved2;
  unsigned int vmode;
  unsigned char scsi;
  char reserved3[31];
  unsigned char memory;
  char INT1_2;
  char INT3_4;
  char reserved4[173];
} NVM_Milan;
Bit 0..1 0 = 16MB ST-RAM
1 =  4MB ST-RAM
2 =  2MB ST-RAM
Bit 2 ROMPORT emulation

See also: NVMaccess   XHDI specification

HomeXBIOSCT60 XBIOS extensionPrinter functions